Just a personal blog
Talk about favorite artist,music,games,tips and of course my life^^
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I really appreciate it

BROWN Lens + Random Talk :)

Yeah! HOLIDAYS for 2 DAYS !!(oh! tapikan kenapa cepat sangat waktu berlalu?)
baru je lepas lunch dengan my lovely family :)
so sekarang time nak update blog..
entry semalam miya ada cakap pasal hadiah yang miya dapat from Maii kan?
Miya dapat BE  Luxury Babe (brown)

kalaulah ada lens besar macam tu..
(penoh satu mata dengan lens,hehe)

recycle picture entry lepas
hehe :)

suka sangat !!
sorry camera ada problem -_-'

first time pakai lens last year, masa tu minat sangat dekat Suzuki Nana
and then,i start to learn wearing eyelashes :)) 
hehe, so thats it ! see you in the next post! bye ~!

p/s : lepas ni nak try pakai lipstick merah pulak :)

8 kawaii/kakkoii friends:

fa said...

cantik.. ^^

Mira Kagimoto said...

fa : tee hee, thank you so much ne ^0^

aiharaRiko said...

cute la, me try gak pakai lens thun lepas tp tak selesa,, mata sensitif :p

Mira Kagimoto said...

aihara : hehe, same lah masa 1st time gatal mata patu beli lens lain try and dh okay..hehe :))
u also cute :)

aiharaRiko said...

really? after that, me mang takut nk try lagi. i'm coward :p

Falcoa wa ! said...

cantikkk ;)

Anonymous said...

aww...kiuttnyaaa...ala ala ulzzang la ni yek?
dah folo awk..
kenapa nak sedih?
kenapa nak menyesal sebab putus cinta?
patut ke menyesal?

Mira Kagimoto said...

falcoa : thank you ya !! ^^

pulsowanie : thanks! lebih kurng gitulah..hehe..tq folo sy..g blog awk jap ^^

Mira Kagimoto Properties ♥