Just a personal blog
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Daily Life and Hobbies ~

Hey guys ! how are you? i hope you are doing so fine ~
i think i should write an entry because i got nothing to do right now lol..
just finished 'blogwalking >W<
this entry must be my most boring post because i'm gonna talk about my daily life :)

what i do everyday ? just taking care of my lovely nieces (my sister daughters)
okay, i'm a nanny actually.. (hey nanny also a job,right) ? -_-'
but sometimes i also take care of my brother kids (can you believe it? 7 kids in a day!)
can make me go crazy >,< (oh! i'm Nanny Mcphee !)
at night i'm crocheting doll for my customer orders or sometimes creating new doll, hehe ~
wanna continue study so must collect money first right? :)

day job
nanny mira to the rescue,lol !

one of my nieces :)
she so stubborn -_-'

night job
making customer orders
my latest craft :)

hobbies? hmm..i got so many hobbies so i just tell you a little about it :)
i love drawing and really wanna be a mangaka when i was young lol !
today, i rarely drawing anything ~ just draw for my nieces only (hehe they like my drawing)

my last year artwork :)

collecting novel graphic also one of my hobbies..
right now i got 72++ novel graphic, hehe not so many but i love all of the book >,<
if i can read japanese ,of course i'll buy manga at cdjapan or yesasia :))

on my free time ,i love practicing my make-up skill so i can look pretty like my make-up idol , Okarie !
i start wearing circle lens last year, and can't stop wearing it..hehe
but right now my eyes condition are not so good , so must take a rest from wearing lenses or eyelash
T.T so sad ne ~

last picture of me wearing circle lens

i think that enough, i'll babbling later on my next post !
hope you stop by at my blog and do leave a comment, will stop by at your blog :)

p/s : can you guess my age ?

11 kawaii/kakkoii friends:

Rakan Blog said...

nice n cute blog...share at Rakan Blog dear.............

Mira Kagimoto said...

@Rakan Blog thank you !! >///<

atiqa aris said...

2o years old?

Narcissus Oddblogger said...

what an adorable crochet! =D

Kim said...

are you around 15-16? :)

Fittriah Alieya said...

awww ~ canteknya mata dia ! hehe . singgah sini :)

Mira Kagimoto said...

@atiqa aris no but near..hehe >w<

Mira Kagimoto said...

@OddbloggerNarcs arigatou gozaimasu !! >//<

Mira Kagimoto said...

@kmmy aww that too young >0<
btw,thanks for commenting ne ~

Mira Kagimoto said...

@Fittriah Alieya thanks !! :))
kjp lagi sy singgah blog awk ^^

Pit Kassim said...

22 rite?

Mira Kagimoto Properties ♥