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Monkey! don't take away my food !!

hello guys !
i'm not feeling very well yet
so just short entry of the day :)

My sister, Ai-chan just bought roti gardenia 
and time tu pintu dapur my mummy bukak
so tak perasan la, roti gardenia tu terbiar camtu kt dapur -_-'

sungguh enak di makan begitu saje~

while surfing the internet we heard something from the dapur
and this conversation start :

sister : miya, cube ko jenguk kat dapur tu ade pape ke ?
me : (pergi dapur dengan lenggang-lengguk) ade monyet la kat luar.
sister : roti ade lagi tak ?!
me : OMG!! monyet tu amek !
sister : NO !!! dah la tu for tomorrow breakfast T^T
me : eh tengok2, mee kering pun monyet tu tibai !

i thought the monkey just took the roti
rupa-rupanya mee kering pun dia amik
roti gardenia mahal woo RM 3.15

haish bukan rezeki den =,=

Lesson : don't put our food macam tu je law dah taw belakang rumah ada monyet ^^
nanti jadi macam miya

3 kawaii/kakkoii friends:

Admin said...

huhu...monyet tu lapar kot?

salam kenal..

jom ke blog saya..


bersama kak Es said...

i bought the RM2.65 gardenia. save tak ? hehe

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing such valuable information.. I am very lucky to get this tips from you.
take away food warwick qld

Mira Kagimoto Properties ♥