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Mira-chan Giveaway Result

お元気ですか? (^__^)

Oh, i make this post earlier because i will be going to Seremban and will be back at 4 or 5 p.m
so thanks again for joining my Giveaway..i appreciate it :) 

Luckily ,i already finish check all the link..
before i announce the winner, don't be sad if you don't win it..
i will surely make a contest after this.. (no more giveaway for awhile)

I don't put all the link in this entry because i already save it in my notepad :)
so , don't think i'm lying ya..
(i don't got time for lying LOL)

here's the 1st place winner :

Congrats !! >w< 

2nd place goes to :

dear winners, can you give me your 
hp no.
message to my FB

Selamat Berpuasa 

5 kawaii/kakkoii friends:

Unknown said...

woahh..congrates to all the winner..that join ur giveaway..dear..=)

miss nuna said...

tahiah kpd yg menang..bestnye dpt hadiah comel..

anys nadhilah said...

arigatou ... :D

Narcissus Oddblogger said...

thank youuuuu mira-chan~~~
*crying with smile!*


Mira Kagimoto said...

@OddbloggerNarcs oh, thanks for joining ^^

Mira Kagimoto Properties ♥