Just a personal blog
Talk about favorite artist,music,games,tips and of course my life^^
feel free to follow and visit my blog
I really appreciate it

JUNE conversation :)

awww already 11:16 p.m...
tomorrow will be the last day of our holiday right friends ??
oh, i need 1 years holiday..LOL!

Lately the weather are not so great.. (hot+cold)
just don't have nothing to do because i can't watch TV for a few days >__<
why? because there's some problem due to my astro..oh why this always happen in my house ?? >m<

I've been crocheting during holidays..
so i try making a lot of amigurumi dolls and right now i'm trying to make hello kitty doll (request by my friend)
so here are my small hello kitty and cinnamaroll hair bands

coming soon !!

Oh, thanks for support my shop friends :)
i appreciate it so much !!!
and maybe i'll do a giveaway or contest soon :)
make sure you will be join it ~

see you in my next entry..sayonara minnasan (^w^)/

thanks for following me yaaa !!
ureshiii >///<

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