Just a personal blog
Talk about favorite artist,music,games,tips and of course my life^^
feel free to follow and visit my blog
I really appreciate it

:Stitch doll (amigurumi)

Halo, I've been quite for such a long time.
i wanna be active back, hope so >3<

I'm still crocheting but just for my nieces or my sister..
gonna be active and super rajin, hehe..

i wanna share a picture of my amigurumi that i make last year
the newest doll , i will upload later..
or you just look at my instagram : mirakagimoto
already upload the newest there :)

here's order from my customer..
stitch doll ~

i make a raving rabbid dolls, will upload here and my izumi shop page later..

Mira Kagimoto Properties ♥