Just a personal blog
Talk about favorite artist,music,games,tips and of course my life^^
feel free to follow and visit my blog
I really appreciate it

Couple & K-pop Inspired Amigurumi :)

keep thinking about cute stuff right now >,<
credit : weheartit

Hello minna !! wow its been a while since my last entry..
i'm super busy , and that's why i didn't have enough time to type an entry..
gosh , i think my GA not satisfied me..the way i handle it :(

Lots of girls out there really love couple things , right?
i mean like teddy bear couple, but i never make bear yet..YET, you know what i mean right ><
so i just make a cute boy & girl..
i think the dolls will be in my shop very soon..just wait yaaa :)

i'll upload the kpop idols inspired dolls & couple things in one new album :)
do visit my shop : Izumi Shop (amigurumi)

i wanna create new dolls, but i don't have any idea -__-
dear cuties , do you guys have the ideas ? do SHARE with me ya..
sharing is caring..

okay, lets look at my handmade dolls ><

(if you buy pair, u'll get free ami heart)

already make the T.O.P (runningman ver)
now its time for orange caramel :)

contact me here:

LINE : miragikwang
WeChat : miragikwang
BB pin : 237054DC

maybe you can't reach me via izumi page, you can search me at above contacts :)
see yaaa !!!

Amigurumi #1

back to amigurumi #1..
haha actually i don't remember how much amigurumi # i already updated. ><

sorry for not updating , forgot meyh.. ;p
just wanna share photos of amigurumi made by me ~


lepas ni if nak order boleh je contact mira dekat hp 

LINE : miragikwang
WeChat : miragikwang

bb pin miras lupe laa, hehe

see you soon on my next update ~

Winner of Mira's Giveaway

Omo ~ sorry because i totally forgot about the date..huhu, sorry yaaa.
i already read all the contestants...
okay jom announce the winner :)

>>  dunianuranisamar.blogspot.com
 (i like all the words, kinda great) :)

okay nak pergi email dia lah, hope check it out ya ^^

yang tak menang jangan sedih2, i'll make other GA next time..
maybe 2-3 winners ? hehe..

Mira Kagimoto Properties ♥